Honour Pledge

In an effort to provide a cost-effective and a practical learning assessment environment for all participants, the Council for Continuing Pharmaceutical Education (CCPE) is providing Internet-based exams for all of their courses. A participant’s integrity is paramount to ensure the validity of these conditions and above all the spirit of setting, improving and maintaining professional standards within the Canadian pharmaceutical industry.

As a result, I agree to respect and abide by the following Honour Pledge while accessing examinations of CCPE:

  • In fairness to all and to ensure credible respect of my profession, I will complete the examination alone without any help, and without any interruption.
  • I will not provide or receive any unauthorized assistance, including but not limited to, any printed, audio, or electronic materials or any individuals, in completing the examination.
  • Each time I take an examination, I will acknowledge and accept this pledge of honour.
  • When I take a CCPE examination, there is creation of a unique electronic record. I recognize that CCPE will conduct record audits to ensure that the integrity of the accreditation/certification and examination process is not compromised.
  • I understand that participants who fail to comply or for whom evidence exists that the above-mentioned conditions are not satisfied will be immediately disqualified without refund. Their employer will be advised and CCPE reserves the rights to publish their name in appropriate publications.
  • I agree and acknowledge that if CCPE in its sole discretion determines that I have breached the Honour Pledge, there may be consequential and/or incidental damages relating to or arising from the remedial actions taken by CCPE.

You have now accepted these terms and can start your program.

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